Acupuncture and Sound Healing: Events Recap

AcuMantras hosts more than community acupuncture. We also have special events like sound healing that our community can enjoy!

Every month AcuMantras has a special guest come in and participate in one of our acupuncture sessions. The point of this is to combine different types of holistic therapies for our community to experience. We try to feature sound healing therapists, naturopaths, herbalists, emotional healers etc.

We are always excited about the newest experience to share with you! Some of the events that we’ve hosted these past months have included sound healing as well as yoga. When we do these events, we like to partner with experts in these holistic therapies. So far we’ve partnered with Raven Rose (@moonmedicines on Instagram) as well as Emmy (@the_mindful_ot on Instagram).

Here we will recap  the sound healing event and a little about sound healing.

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Special Guest: Holistic Treatment Specialists

Last month we partnered with Raven Rose, an expert in Moon Medicines and Sound Healing. Sound healing is an alternative medicine practice that uses music and sound vibrations to promote healing. This event was targeted so that our patients at AcuMantras would have an opportunity to experience another type of holistic treatment. It was also used as an opportunity to teach our community about the benefits of sound healing.

Last month we also partnered with Emmy for a special event involving yoga and sound healing. Emmy is an occupational therapist that focuses on holistic treatment. The combination of yoga, sound healing and acupuncture helped our patients relax and treat their pain!

This month we'll be partnering with Dr. Walker for Qi Gong with acupuncture. This session is meant to  promote sound health and ease of body functionality for all patients.

The purpose of having special guests is to complement some of our acupuncture sessions with other holistic therapies.  We want to expand our patients' minds to the fact that acupuncture doesn't have to be the only holistic treatment they receive. We are excited for this continued effort of showcasing acupuncture with other treatments.

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What is Yoga & How is it Used with Acupuncture

Yoga is  an ancient Indian practice that involves a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is a great way for individuals to learn how to relax their nervous system. It is also a fantastic supplement to acupuncture as it provides the body with another avenue in which to release tension and stress from your life.

Yoga, when used with acupuncture,  helps to reduce anxiety, depression and stress. It also helps release tension that can be held in the muscles and joints. Yoga's breathing exercises calm the mind and body while acupuncture works to remove blockages and promote balance in all aspects of life: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

What is Sound Healing?

You may be wondering, what is sound healing? Well, sound healing is a form of therapy that has been used for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans both practiced it, as did many other cultures around the world before them. Today we know sound can heal mental disorders by releasing endorphins into one’s brain which make you feel happier and more calm - even when dealing with painful symptoms like headaches or back pain!

Nowadays, many people are turning towards sound therapy. Just think about how your favorite song can make you feel when it comes on. Similarly, if someone has an issue with their body or health and they want something soothing for them in order to help ease pain. The right sounds can have an incredible impact on the mind and body.

Sound therapy is not only used by therapists but also patients themselves who have found relief from various ailments through audio treatments like meditation tracks played at specific volumes via headphones worn over ears or speakers placed near onto body parts where discomfort occurs.

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There are three main sound healing techniques that sound therapists use to heal others. These are Crystal Singing Bowls (or Tibetan Singing Bowls), Tuning Forks and OM Chanting.

Tibetan Singing Bowls work by amplifying sound vibrations to remove negativity or pain. Tuning Forks are sound wave devices that sound therapists use on the body of their patient in order to help them heal. The sound waves produced by Tuning Forks are beneficial to the sound therapist’s patient because they are very precise. OM Chanting helps the healing process by sending sound waves to the area of pain or discomfort on a patient’s body. These sound waves help improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

How Does Sound Healing Work with Acupuncture?

In conjunction with acupuncture, sound healing is used to treat issues like pain, anxiety, depression and insomnia.  According to sound therapists, sound therapy re-aligns the energy pathways of the body. Sound therapists will often use sound healing techniques along with acupuncture to encourage this flow of energy throughout the body.

Sound healers and acupuncturists work together to enhance sound healing benefits. Acupuncturists treat with needles while sound therapists use sound vibrations with their treatments. For example, sound therapists will often combine sound therapy treatment with acupuncture in order to make the most of the benefits sound has to offer when it comes to treating various conditions.

If you're curious to learn more about how acupuncture and sound healing work in conjunction, be on the lookout on our social media. We'll announce any special events we participate in there!

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What our AcuMantras Community Thought

Sound healing and acupuncture was our first special event. Thankfully our community and especially those who participated were happy with the experience and outcome!

Gail B., a participant at this event said, "I truly enjoyed the AcuMantras acupuncture and meditative sound healing event that I attended. This community event was a unique and relaxing experience. It combined the perfect modalities for self healing that left you feeling refreshed and calm. The facility's attention to cleanliness and safety provided by their friendly and competent staff were remarkable. I would highly recommend AcuMantras healing services. I believe you will find it extremely beneficial!"

Another participant, Barb R., stated, "I really enjoyed the community acupuncture and yoga session with the wonderful sounds of the crystal singing bowls. It was a great combination and I felt very relaxed and serene for many hours afterwards. I would recommend this for anyone even if you're new to acupuncture!"

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How Does a Special Event Work at AcuMantras?

But you may be wondering. What are our special events like and how often do we have them? At AcuMantras, we try to have one special event a month. The purpose is to combine the different types of holistic medicine with acupuncture. This way people can experience their different healing properties as well as learn more about them.

We know traditional medicine treatments can sometimes be hard to add to your busy schedule. They can also be out of what many people can afford normally. So when we have the opportunity to invite sound healers, Qi Gong or any other types of therapies to participate in our community acupuncture we make sure to let the community know!

Because of the limited space we have, and the amount of interest we get we try to let you know in advance of our events. So make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be the first to know of our special events! You can always book them directly by calling us at (954) 408-8224.

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